Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Sending A Campaign For Peer Review

Send a campaign for peer review so that it can be checked by a colleague before the campaign is run.


  1. With the campaign complete and set up in Campaign Manager, click the Approvals button in the Campaign Overview tab.
Note: The Approvals button does not appear until the campaign is saved.
  1. In the Approvals and Notes screen, click the drop-down arrow in the Approval Group field to select a peer review group to review the campaign.

This sends an email to all members of the approval group advising that they have a campaign waiting peer review.

Note: Peer review shows all groups, not just those with the approvals permission.
  1. Enter any required notes in the Note field.
  2. Click Request Peer Review. An email is sent to the Peer review group, the notes are added to the log and the campaign stays in an editing state until it is started.
Note: Peer Review does not stop the campaign from being sent at any time by any user.

Example Peer Review Approval Process

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